Selling the Aussie Rocket

In October 2019, I met and interviewed Adam Gilmour the CEO of Gilmour Space Technologies. Since then I have wanted to return to find out more about what is happening at Gilmour Space Technologies - I was lucky enough to get a chance to get a face-to-face interview Peter Kinne in October 2021. Oh….and watch for the moment where I manage to invent a completely new word.

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LIVE: Discussing To the Stars Documentary - The story of Gilmour Space Technologies

On the 24th of October 2021, a documentary To the Stars was shown at the New Farm Five Star Cinemas all about the early years of Gilmour Space Technologies and their creation of the One Vision rocket. We will be sharing our experiences and impressions of the documentary with you as it will only have a limited showing around Queensland.

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Cows on Mars?

When we eventually go to Mars - will we take cows with us?

I caught up with a fellow Aussie with a huge interest in Mars - Dr. Dianne McGrath. We spoke in-depth all about how we could potentially live on Mars answering the fundamental question - will we be able to take cows with us?

You'll be surprised by the answer!

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Australian Space Industry Josh Keegan Australian Space Industry Josh Keegan

All about Mars Rovers

So much has happened on Mars since Perseverance Rover landed earlier this year and I am getting a chance to speak about all of what's been happening with the President of the Mars Society Australia - Jon Clarke. We will be talking all about what has been happening with the rovers on the Red Planet: - Perseverance - Ingenuity AND - Zhurong

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Australia's Surprising History in Space (Episode 2 - The Space Down Under)

MARCH 2020: Australia has a very surprising history in Space. We have been involved in the Space business for a very long time. In this episode I am taking a closer look at our involvement over the decades with a top 10 list of historical and no-so-historical missions Australia has been involved in through the Deep Space Network.

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